Asselmeier Genealogy

According to the "Germans to America" series of books, Henry Asselmeier and his wife, Christine Hoefft, came to the United States on December 1, 1862.  They traveled from Bremen to New York on the ship Harzburg.  Two of their children, Christine (age 3) and Heinrich (age 1) made the trip with them.  Also traveling with them were the parents of Christine, Gottlieb Hoefft and Christine Brandt.  Gottlieb and Christine's two other children, William (age 25) and Carl (age 13), also made the trip.

It is not known how or when these families came to the Maeystown area.  Henry's destination is listed as New York while Gottlieb's is listed as Illinois.  It was long thought that these two families entered the United States through New Orleans and came up the Mississippi like many other Germans.  Their arrival in New York and the on-going Civil War makes a trip through New Orleans unlikely.  According to the records of St. John's Church, Friedrich Asselmeier was the first child of Henry and Christine born in the United States (March 5, 1869).

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Genealogy Data Last Updated: March 17, 2015